Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Special Always pendant for Steven Alan

Catherine Michiels is offering a limited edition Valentine offering of her Always pendant from the Recognition Collection as an exclusive for Steven Alan.  This special pendant is available in sterling silver with five rubies as highlights. The Valentine ‘Always’ can only be found in Steven Alan stores or at : www.stevenalan.com

Twenty-five percent of the proceeds will go to Love 146 for the protection of children.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Charles Demeester, the son of jewelry designer Catherine Michiels, has designed and launched his first creation known as Robo Bro - a sterling silver pendant in the form of a robot with attitude.  Charles is currently in the seventh grade at a French-American school in Los Angeles and speaks French and English with equal ease.  Last year, Charles received the Athlete of the Year trophy at school where he excels at soccer and baseball. He is also active in off-road motorcycling and is an accomplished skateboarder.